Patient District Speciality Procedure Hospital
Gender Age Group Card Type Hospital District
Card Type Wise Statistsics
Preauth Approved Surgery Done Claim Paid
Card Type Category Type Count Amount Count Amount Count Amount
Annapurna A 3086 7,01,06,102 3077 6,97,80,702 2713 5,45,64,386
Anthodaya A 150598 358,09,82,805 149304 354,02,63,655 107710 222,81,56,378
Orange A 5249865 12992,35,16,628 5230484 12925,17,93,533 4445515 9852,30,46,129
Yellow A 1879286 4448,91,12,804 1873121 4427,46,09,634 1589661 3367,88,48,686
Tahshildar Letter B 3642 9,80,49,419 3599 9,64,11,419 0 0
White B 65970 181,11,03,749 65361 178,63,61,649 8 76,250
White - Farmer B 4185 10,30,98,535 4185 10,30,98,535 1752 3,36,88,110
Children of Government Orphanages C 23 7,61,400 22 7,33,400 0 0
Female inmates/destitute of Government Mahila Ashram C 6 2,70,000 6 2,70,000 0 0
Government Ashram Schools C 18 5,75,800 17 4,75,800 0 0
Senior citizens of Government old age homes C 7 4,25,000 7 4,25,000 0 0
Aadhaar Card D 26 8,05,000 26 8,05,000 0 0
Annapurna E 3 2,21,400 3 2,21,400 0 0
Antyodaya E 343 1,04,87,920 316 93,84,020 0 0
PHH E 247 74,05,250 231 69,39,650 0 0
Total 7357305 18009,69,21,812 7329759 17914,15,73,397 6147359 13451,83,79,939